How to tell if you’re spiritually mature?

One of the things I’ve been thinking about lately is spiritual maturity. How can we tell if we’ve reached a certain level of spiritual maturity? In this post, I’ll share my thoughts on the matter and invite you to share yours in the comments section at the end of this post.

There are different levels of spiritual maturity, just as there are different levels of physical maturity. In the bible, Paul talks about this when he says that some people are like infants who are still drinking milk, while others are like adults who can eat solid food (Hebrews 5:13). This is because, just as a baby needs milk to grow physically, we also need spiritual milk when we first become Christians. We need to learn the basics of our faith before we can start to understand more complex spiritual truths. As we mature spiritually, we will start to move on from being fed milk to being fed solid food. We will be able to digest deeper truths and apply them in our lives. Just as physical maturity doesn’t happen overnight, neither does spiritual maturity. It is a lifelong process that happens as we grow in our relationship with God.

Signs of Spiritual Maturity

There are many signs that can indicate that someone has reached a certain level of spiritual maturity. One is transformation, another sign is an increasing sense of peace and contentment, and a greater sense of purpose and direction in life.


It’s a word we hear a lot these days. We’re told that we need to transform our minds, our bodies, our relationships, and even our careers. And while there’s nothing wrong with seeking transformation in any of these areas, the transformation that truly matters is the transformation of the heart. As people grow spiritually, they often find themselves changing in unexpected ways.

Jesus said that He came to give us life, and life to the fullest (John 10:10). When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we are transformed into a new creature. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” In other words, Jesus came to transform us into new creatures – creatures who are defined by His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). This transformation doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that happens little by little as we surrender our lives to Jesus and allow Him to work in us.

As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, we start to see changes in our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. We become more patient, kinder, and self-controlled. We become more like Jesus. And that’s the goal of transformation–to become more like Christ so that we can reflect His light and love to a lost and broken world.

Of course, transformation is not always easy, and we may sometimes find ourselves taking two steps forward and one step back. However, the overall trend should be towards growth and maturity. 

An increasing sense of peace and contentment

Spiritual maturity brings an increased sense of peace and contentment which are the opposite of stress and anxiety. This is one of the most beautiful things about Christianity. In a world that is full of turmoil and stress, Christians have an inner peace that comes from knowing they are saved by grace. This peace is not based on circumstances or achievements, but on the knowledge that they are loved by God. Additionally, Christians also have a deep sense of contentment. This contentment comes from knowing that they are doing God’s will and living in accordance with His plan for their lives. When we are at peace and content with who we are in Christ, we can rest assured that He will take care of us and provide for our needs.

When we surrender our lives to Him, He promises to give us peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). And because He loves us, He also gives us the strength to face whatever challenges come our way (1 Corinthians 10:13). As we grow in our relationship with Christ, we begin to see His hand at work in our lives. We start to experience His joy and peace, even in the midst of difficulties. As we trust in Him and follow His commands, we find that He blesses us with this increasing sense of peace and contentment. So whatever you may be facing today, know that Christ offers you peace and strength. Allow Him to lead you and guide you, and you will find the peace and contentment that you desire.

We should then find ourselves more focused on others and less concerned with our own needs and as we deepen our relationship with the divine, we often find that we worry less about the little things and feel more at ease with whatever life throws our way.

We would have developed an increased ability to love and forgive, and a deeper connection to the divine. If you find yourself experiencing any of these things, it may be a sign that you have reached a new level of spiritual maturity in your Christian life.

Often leads to a greater sense of purpose and direction in life

People who have reached this stage often have a clear sense of why they are here and what they are meant to do. In other words, they have a clear sense of purpose and direction in life.

They may also be more attuned to their intuition and have a stronger connection to their higher self. Additionally, they may start to experience synchronicities and “coincidences” on a regular basis. All of these things can be indicative of a person’s spiritual evolution. If you find yourself experiencing any of these things, it may be a sign that you are also evolving spiritually.

People who have reached this stage often have a clear understanding of why they are here and what they are meant to do. They may feel called to a specific task or mission, and their lives may begin to take on new meaning.

If you find yourself experiencing any of these things, it may be a sign that you have reached a new level of spiritual maturity.

Where do you stand in your own spiritual journey?

We’ve looked at some signs of spiritual maturity, transformation, an increased sense of peace and contentment, and a greater sense of purpose and direction in your life.

Are you looking for more peace and contentment in your life? Are you feeling lost or uncertain about your future? If so, we encourage you to consider seeking out a community of believers who can support you on your path. A church, mosque, synagogue, or temple can be a great place to start – many offer classes or groups that cater to people at different stages of their faith journey. Although there are plenty of books and articles available on finding spirituality, it’s best to seek guidance from your Church leaders.

Remember that this is an ongoing journey, one with many twists and turns along the way. Don’t get discouraged if you stumble – we all do from time to time. Just pick yourself up, learn from your experience, and keep moving forward.

Spiritual maturity is a process that happens as we grow in our relationship with God. The Bible has a lot to say about this topic, and there are many passages that can help us to understand what it means to be spiritually mature. For example, in Philippians 3:14, Paul tells us to press on towards maturity, and in Hebrews 5:11-14, we are warned against returning to our spiritual infancy.

In general, spiritual maturity is about becoming more like Christ in our thoughts, words and actions. It is about growing in our knowledge of God and learning to love Him more each day. As we mature spiritually, we will find that our lives become more focused on Him and His kingdom. We will become more selfless, patient, and kind.

If you want to grow in spiritual maturity, the best place to start is by reading your Bible and praying every day. Ask God to show you what He wants you to learn and then take some time to put what you have learned into practice. Over time, you will see yourself becoming more like Christ and growing in your ability to serve Him faithfully.

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, I wish you all the best. Be blessed!

What is Spiritual Maturity according to the Bible?

According to the Bible, spiritual maturity is not a destination that we reach after a certain amount of time or effort. Rather, it is a journey that we are on throughout our lives. It is a process of growing closer to God and learning to follow His will for our lives. The Bible tells us that we mature spiritually as we grow in our relationship with Jesus. As we spend time reading His Word and praying, we learn more about who He is and what He desires for us.

We also begin to see the areas of our lives where we need to change in order to be more like Him. As we submit to His Lordship and obey His commands, we become more Christ-like in our character. This transformation does not happen overnight; it is a lifelong process. But as we surrender our lives to God and diligently seek Him, He will continue to work in us and mold us into His image.

What are the characteristics of spiritual maturity?

Spiritually mature Christians are able to let go of their past and move forward in life. They are also comfortable being vulnerable and sharing their feelings with others. They have a strong sense of self-awareness and are able to see their own strengths and weaknesses honestly.

Lastly, spiritually mature Christians possess a deep understanding of the Bible and are able to apply its teachings to their lives. As you strive to grow in your faith, you can look to these examples given in this article and strive to develop these characteristics in your own life.

How to Measure Spiritual Maturity?

There are many ways to measure spiritual maturity, but one of the most important is through the study of Scripture. The Bible is our Heavenly Father's love letter to us, and it contains everything we need to know about how to live a godly life.

As we read and meditate on God's Word, we begin to understand His heart and character. We see His perfect love for us, and we learn how He wants us to live. As we grow in our knowledge of Scripture, we also begin to apply it to our lives. We start making choices that reflect our new understanding of who God is and what He desires for us. This process of learning and living out the truth of Scripture is essential for spiritual maturity.

As we grow in our relationship with God, we become more like Him. We develop His character traits, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We become more Christ-like in our actions and attitudes, and we start reflecting His glory to those around us.

This is the goal of spiritual maturity: to be conformed to the image of Christ so that we can be used by Him to bless others.